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Details for manuscript 375

Manuscript №
British Library
Add. 38821
Registrum brevium
Estimated date of production
s.xiii (med)
vi + 143
Place of production
Produced for
foliation, tracts and languages are based on catalogue description and are therefore approximate; "f. 141 John? Densell, of Lincoln's Inn: Name scribbled: early 16th cent."; "f. 141 Reginald Mohun: Name scribbled: early 16th cent."; including petition and congé d'élire, etc., for W[illiam] de C[olern], Abbot of Malmesbury, letter to the Archbishop for confirmation of W[alter] Giffard, Bishop of Bath and Wells [1264], pardons, grants of franchises (one to Thomas de Wesenham, the King's surgeon), a special writ for R[obertl de [B]erwick impleaded in the court of William de Braose [at Bramber], note "de anno bisextili pro languidis"
Sources for this record

Manuscript contents

Text Title Language Start folio (ordinal) End folio (ordinal) Total pages
1 f. 1 Edward I of England: Registrum Brevium: bef. 1275; circ. 1285. Latin 1r (1) 27r (53) 53.0
2 f. 27 b City of Winchester: Writ conc. custody of Hyde Abbey: 13th cent.: Copy. Latin 27v (54) 27v (54) 1.0
3 f. 28 William de Colern, Abbot of Malmesbury: Writs for election of: 1260.: Copies. Latin 28r (55) 28r (55) 0.5
4 f. 28 Abbey of Malmesbury: Writs conc. election of Abbot William de Colern: 1260; 13th cent.: Copies. Latin 28r (55) 28r (55) 0.5
5 f. 28 b Walter Giffard, Bishop of Bath and Wells: Letter of Henry III to the Abp. of Canterbury for confirmation of, 1264. Lat. Copy: 13th cent. Latin 28v (56) 28v (56) 1.0
6 f. 29 Stoke, Lincolnshire: Form of writ for free warren in temp. Edw.I. Latin 29r (57) 29r (57) 0.5
7 f. 29 W- de Say: Licence to, to hunt in the forest of Essex: 13th cent.: Copy. Latin 29r (57) 29r (57) 0.5
8 f. 29 b Philip le Draper, de Maldon: privilege to: 13th cent.: Lat.: Copy. Latin 29v (58) 29v (58) 0.13
9 f. 29 b H- de Hotington: Grant to, in London: 13th cent.: Copy. Latin 29v (58) 29v (58) 0.13
10 f. 29 b Walter Hervi, Escheator of London: Writ to: 13th cent.: Copy. Latin 29v (58) 29v (58) 0.13
11 f. 29 b Roger de Cambridge, felon: Writ conc. escheat of, in London: 13th cent.: Copy. Latin 29v (58) 29v (58) 0.13
12 f. 29 b London, England: Writ to Walter Hervi, Escheator of: 13th cent.: Copy. Latin 29v (58) 29v (58) 0.13
13 f. 29 b Maldon, Essex: Privilege to P. le Draper in: 13th cent. Latin 29v (58) 29v (58) 0.13
14 f. 29 b J- de Dune, of Winchester: Privilege to: 13th cent.: Copy. Latin 29v (58) 29v (58) 0.13
15 f. 29 b Thomas de Wesenham, Surgeon to Henry III: Privilege to, in Westminster: 13th cent.: Lat.: Copy. Latin 29v (58) 29v (58) 0.13
16 f. 30 City of York: Writ concerning thraves due to St. Leonard's Hospital: 13th cent.: Copy. Latin 30r (59) 30r (59) 0.25
17 f. 30 Robert de Berwick: Writ for ,in a suit at Bramber: 13th cent.: Copy. Latin 30r (59) 30r (59) 0.25
18 f. 30 William de Braose: Inhibition to the bailiffs of his court at Bramber: 13th cent.: Lat.: Copy. Latin 30r (59) 30r (59) 0.25
19 f. 30 Bramber, Sussex: Inhibition to bailiffs of W. de Braose's court in: 13th cent.: Lat.: Copy. Latin 30r (59) 30r (59) 0.25
20 f. 31 b Nostell Priory; Yorkshire: Writ for. conc. Tickhill church: 13th cent.: Copy. Latin 31v (62) 31v (62) 0.25
21 f. 31 b Tickhill, West Riding of Yorkshire: Writ conc.the church of: 13th cent.: Copy. Latin 31v (62) 31v (62) 0.25
22 f. 31 b H- de Lacy: Writ for, conc. advowson of East Bradenham: 13th cent.: Copy. Latin 31v (62) 31v (62) 0.25
23 f. 31 b East Bradenham, Norfolk: writ conc. advowson of church: 13th cent.: Copy. Latin 31v (62) 31v (62) 0.25
24 f. 32 b City of Oxford: Form of writ conc. disputes at: 13th cent. Latin 32v (64) 32v (64) 0.2
25 f. 32 b Lincoln, Lincolnshire: Form of writ conc. disputes with Louth: 13th cent. Latin 32v (64) 32v (64) 0.2
26 f. 32 b Orders Religious. Dominicans: Letter of Henry III to the Chapter at Stamford, .: n.d.: Lat.: Copy circ. 1285. Latin 32v (64) 32v (64) 0.2
27 f. 32 b Louth, Lincolnshire: Form of writ conc. disputes with Lincoln: 13th cent. Latin 32v (64) 32v (64) 0.2
28 f. 32 b Henry III of England: Letter to the Dominican chapter at Stamford, n.d.: circ. 1285.: Copy. Latin 32v (64) 32v (64) 0.2
29 f. 33 Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk: Form of writ cone. disputes between the gild and inhabitants: 13th cent. Latin 33r (65) 33r (65) 1.0
30 f. 33 b Jews: Forms of writ concerning: 13th cent. Latin 33v (66) 33v (66) 1.0
31 f. 35 b City of Nottingham: Form of writ conc. legal custom of: 13th cent. Latin 35v (70) 37v (74) 5.0
32 f. 38 Statutum de Judacis, 51 Hen. III: 13th cent. French 38r (75) 38v (76) 1.5
33 ff. 38, 85 b, 88 b-95 b Henry III of England: Statutes and charters of. Copies,: circ. 1285. Latin 38v (76) 43r (85) 9.5
34 f. 43 b Amiens, Mise of: Provisions of: 1264; 13th cent.: Lat. Latin 43v (86) 43v (86) 0.33
35 f. 43 b Louis IX of France: Provisions of the Mise of Amiens: 1264; 13th cent.: Lat. Latin 43v (86) 43v (86) 0.33
36 ff. 43 b Henry III of England: Mise of Amiens and documents rel. to the battle of lewes: 1264.: Copies, circ. 1285. Latin 43v (86) 43v (86) 0.33
37 f. 44 Lewes, Sussex: Documents rel. to the battle of: 1264 ; circ. 1285.: Lat. Latin 44r (87) 44v (88) 2.0
38 f. 45 Manors: De manerio extendendo: 13th cent. Latin 45r (89) 45r (89) 1.0
39 f. 45 b Coroners: De officio coronatoris: temp. Edw. I. Latin 45v (90) 45v (90) 0.5
40 "Acopement de mort de home" and ""Registre" (so catchword, no title)" French 45v (90) 47r (93) 3.5
41 Other legal tracts? Latin 47v (94) 61r (121) 28.0
42 f. 61 b Gainsboroagh, Lincolnshire: Pleadings cone. the manor: 13th cent. Latin 61v (122) 62r (123) 2.0
43 f. 62 b Ralph de Hengham, Chief Justice of Common Pleas: Hengham Magna, treatise so-called: circ. 1285. Latin 62v (124) 80v (160) 37.0
44 f. 81tatute, of Jewry, 3 Edw. I: 13th cent. Latin 81r (161) 81v (162) 2.0
45 f. 82 Articles a enquere: 13th cent. French 82r (163) 82r (163) 0.5
46 f. 82 Exchequer: Districtiones Seaccarii: 13th cent. And other legal texts French 82r (163) 105v (210) 47.5
47 f. 106 Ralph de Hengham, Chief Justice of Common Pleas: Judicium Essoniorum attrib. to: circ. 1285.: Fr. French 106r (211) 106r (211) 0.5
48 f. 106 John de Mettingham: Judicium Essoniorum attrib. to: circ. 1285.: Fr. French 106r (211) 111r (221) 10.5
49 f. 111 b Law OF ENGLAND: Year-book: early temp. Edw. I.: Fr. French 111v (222) 118r (235) 14.0
50 f. 118 b Agriculture: Les reulles seint Robert: 13th cent. French 118v (236) 118v (236) 0.2
51 f. 118 b Manors: Les reulles sein Robert, for economical management of an estate: 13th cent. French 118v (236) 118v (236) 0.2
52 f. 118 b Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln: Lea reulles saint Robert: 13th cent. French 118v (236) 118v (236) 0.2
53 f. 118 b Economics: Lea reullesi seint Robert: 13th cent. French 118v (236) 118v (236) 0.2
54 f. 118 b Margaret de Lacy, Countess of Lincoln; widow of John, 1st Earl: Les reulles seint Robert made for: 13th cent. French 118v (236) 121r (241) 5.2
55 f. 121 b Lincoln, Lincolnshire: La manere de pleder en Nichole: circ. 1285. French 121v (242) 140v (280) 39.0
56 f. 141 b Gematria: Verses on: 14th cent.: Lat. Latin 141v (282) 141v (282) 0.5
57 f. 141 b Poetry: Verses on numerical values of the alphabet: 14th cent.: Lat. Latin 141v (282) 141v (282) 0.5
58 f. 142 Ale: Assize of: late 13th cent. Latin 142r (283) 142r (283) 0.5
59 f. 142 Bread: Assize of: late 13th cent.: Lat. Latin 142r (283) 142r (283) 0.5
60 ff. 142 b, 143 b Glaston, Rutland: Farm accompts relto: 14th cent. Latin 142v (284) 142v (284) 0.5
61 ff. 142 b, 143 b Accompts: Fragments of farm accompts, co. Rutl.: 14th cent. Latin 142v (284) 142v (284) 0.5

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