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Details for manuscript 134

Manuscript №
Trinity College
Estimated date of production
s.xiii (2)
Place of production
Produced for
"From Cerne Abbey: in the Kalendar is St Edwold, and there are many verses relating to Cerne on p.11. St Edmund of Canterbury (canonised in 1248) is in the Kalendar."
On the first leaf is the name "William Armiger, natus fuit 1569 sepult. 1638 ap"; "Stuck to the cover is a leaf of a service-book with a lesson for St Vincent and music on a four line stave (xii). There is also a slip of an early xivth cent. MS. containing one column on each side of a French version of 2 Maccabees e.g. Ceus qui o lui estoient et les despecierent par pieces et puis lur coulpirent les chies et les giterent hors. En toz ces choses seit deus benoiz qui a destruit les desloiaus pur ce que nous fussioms deliurés etc. At the end are two leaves of other MSS: 1. Part of a leaf of a xiiith cent. Vulgate in double columns, containing parts of John viii-xi. 2. A leaf of a Breviary (xvth cent. English) with lessons for St Lucy on the exposed side." Table of contents contains works that are now missing "The missing portions of the manuscript came into the hands of J. O. Halliwell, who sold them to Rodd, from whom they were purchased by the British Museum in 1838. They now form MS. Egerton 843, ff. 48"
Sources for this record

Manuscript contents

Text Title Language Start folio (ordinal) End folio (ordinal) Total pages
1 "The Sphaera Pythagorae (vitae et mortis), with a short explanation; Vide formam spere pictagore quam apollonius descripsit." Latin 1 (1) 1 (1) 1.0
2 "Three drawings of boards for games resembling draughts and nine-mens' morris; without text" Latin 2 (2) 2 (2) 1.0
3 "Two careful drawings of chess-boards coloured, the one green and white, the other blue and yellow" Latin 3 (3) 3 (3) 0.5
4 "verses, first about chess. (“It pedes ad bellum prior incipit ipse duellum), then miscellaneous lines with effaced rubrics, e.g. “Ar cupit esse tifex ander de pluribus alex.” Latin 3 (3) 5 (5) 1.08
5 Selected psalms (Dean no. 455) French 4 (4) 4 (4) 0.25
6 “Louerd ihesu crist ich ðe bidde for ðe vif wunde and ðe diet ðat ðu ðoledest in ðare holie rode, ðat ðu turne mine sweuenes to blisse and to gode.” English 4 (4) 4 (4) 0.25
7 “Pater noster etc. Deus qui uoluisti pro redemptione mundi a iudeis reprobari.” Latin 4 (4) 4 (4) 0.25
8 A prayer to Christ (Dean no. 735) French 5 (5) 5 (5) 0.33
9 "Sit tibi sc[ri]ptura presenti etc" Latin 5 (5) 5 (5) 0.33
10 Formulas for confession (Dean no. 658) French 6 (6) 6 (6) 1.0
11 A prayer (Dean no. 783) French 7 (7) 7 (7) 0.33
12 A short prayer to Jesus (Dean no. 979) French 7 (7) 7 (7) 0.33
13 "Ora pro nobis etc." Latin 7 (7) 7 (7) 0.33
14 On death " Heu quod dulcius est citius effluit" Latin 8 (8) 8 (8) 1.0
15 "square of numbers (Arabic) containing 100 squares" Latin 9 (9) 9 (9) 1.0
16 "Incipiunt uersus singula singulis de articulis fidei" Latin 10 (10) 10 (10) 1.0
17 "A long series of miscellaneous verses, of enigmatic, proverbial, and satirical character." Latin 11 (11) 17 (17) 7.0
18 "Arithmetical puzzles (six and one line of a seventh)" Latin 18 (18) 18 (18) 1.0
19 "Dialogue on arithmetic" Latin 19 (19) 19 (19) 1.0
20 "De algorismo" Latin 20 (20) 20 (20) 1.0
21 "Hic inc. questiones quedam difficiles" Latin 21 (21) 22 (22) 2.0
22 "two squares of numbers" Latin 23 (23) 23 (23) 0.5
23 “Hic inc. indorum ars numerandi” By Alexander de Villa Dei: printed with copious rubrics and marginal notes in Rara Math. 73-83. Latin 23 (23) 30 (30) 7.0
24 "a set of verses on multiplication" Latin 30 (30) 30 (30) 0.5
25 "The Latin numbers (words and figures, numeral and ordinal)" Latin 31 (31) 31 (31) 1.0
26 "Questiones et positiones oriuntur faciles sed responsiones difficiles" Latin 32 (32) 36 (36) 5.0
27 "A tract on Arithmetic" Latin 37 (37) 78 (78) 42.0
28 "A diagram of the course of the Moon" Latin 79 (79) 79 (79) 1.0
29 "Tables in frames of red, blue and yellow, shewing the number of days in months, epacts, etc." Latin 80 (80) 80 (80) 0.5
30 "Kalendar in red, blue and black." Latin 80 (80) 80 (80) 0.5
31 "A series of Tables of Concurrentes etc. ending imperfectly with p.102" Latin 94 (94) 102 (102) 9.0
32 "Tract on Compotus" Latin 125 (125) 178 (178) 54.0
33 "Verses de cursu anni, de septem dierum uocabulis" Latin 179 (179) 179 (179) 1.0
34 "Miscellaneous paragraphs, several in dialogue form, on the course of the Moon, the divisions of time" Latin 180 (180) 185 (185) 6.0
35 "Inc. compendium tocius kalendarii" Latin 186 (186) 188 (188) 3.0
36 "A tract on Kalendar" Latin 189 (189) 288 (288) 100.0
37 "A tract on the world" Latin 289 (289) 306 (306) 18.0
38 "Apocalypsis Goliae" Latin 307 (307) 314 (314) 8.0
39 "Centiloquium" Latin 315 (315) 317 (317) 3.0
40 "Confessio Goliae: Wright, p.71" Latin 318 (318) 319 (319) 2.0
41 "A prose allegory." Latin 320 (320) 321 (321) 2.0
42 (Praedicatio Goliae: Wright, p.31) Latin 322 (322) 323 (323) 2.0
43 The Usurer's Pater noster (Dean no. 218) French 324 (324) 327 (327) 3.5
44 The Usurer's Creed (Dean no. 219) French 327 (327) 330 (330) 3.5
45 La riote du monde in prose (Dean no. 195.1) and other French stories French 331 (331) 339 (339) 9.0
46 "Carmen contra Northfolciam" Latin 340 (340) 341 (341) 2.0
47 "Concilium sacerdotum" Latin 342 (342) 343 (343) 2.0
48 "Satire on a monk." Latin 344 (344) 346 (346) 3.0
49 "Miscellanies." Latin 347 (347) 348 (348) 2.0
50 4 Receipts in French (Dean no. 439) French 349 (349) 349 (349) 0.5
51 "Receipts in Latin" Latin 349 (349) 349 (349) 0.5
52 "Verses (II)." Latin 350 (350) 350 (350) 0.5
53 "Receipt for Greek fire." Latin 350 (350) 350 (350) 0.5
54 "A collection of Proverbs with incomplete English translations" Latin 351 (351) 362 (362) 11.33
55 ibid. English 351 (351) 351 (351) 0.33
56 Proverbs of Sermo of Wilton (Dean no. 260) French 351 (351) 351 (351) 0.33

Owners of this manuscript

Owner number Owner Period Gender Type Source
1 "From Cerne Abbey" s.xiii (2) Man Clerical http://trin-sites-pub.trin.cam.ac.uk/james/viewpage.php?index=668