PHP & Database requirements
This app is based on Laravel 7.30.4 and has, therefore, the same requirements1.
Primo, Alma, Alma API
As the name suggest, you will need ExLibris' Primo and Alma to make use of this application.
Furthermore, you will need an Alma API key that allows you to access the Alma Locations of your Alma Libraries. Alma API keys can be generated via the ExLibris Developer Network. Please contact ExLibris for more information about Alma and Primo API keys.
This application has been tested only on a non-VE Primo environment; we have no experience with VE yet, but we expect our application to work just as well.
PHP requirements
- PHP >= 7.2.5
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
Database requirements
- MySQL 5.7+
- PostgreSQL 9.6+
- SQLite 3.8.8+
- SQL Server 2017+
Update to Laravel 8.x is planned. No breaking changes are expected. ↩